I hurt a fly today.

Unexpected visitor in the out of season,

About to land upon my chips, 

My reason for batting him away.

He might have stopped them ending up on my hips;

They would've gone straight into the bin.

I saw his inert body and contemplated

The sin of gluttony.

There'll always be some more for me. 

But what of him ?

Or her, it's not apparent with flies,

Well not to my eyes but

I digress.

I confess I killed a fly today.

Some say that's ok and I would too,

If it was you.

I'd say, I'll sweep it away,

Don't worry,

Eat your dinner,

It's still hot.

Not alot to be done.

It was just the one.

Not as if you've wiped a whole species out

with your careless clout.

But we stare at the space,

Our glum faces

thinking about the life of flies,

Unwanted, ugly in our eyes.

What are they for ? We surmise 

They must play some part in this world 

we share. 

Can't be all bad surely. 

It's just nature. Unknown unless you study

All of its parts including the weird ones,

Even they have hearts.  



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