Dream Sequence

27. 04.23

#Dream 1

I'm walking through some kind of park which is familiar to me, but composed of disparate parts of various outdoor places I've visited. People are enjoying themselves and I come to a muddy part where I can feel the ground give way a little it's so wet. There's a pond nearby with people messing about in and around it. A small person or child, or both, is splashing around and the water starts to rise or he starts to sink, it's hard to tell. An elderly lady who has been wading towards him, laughing and splashing the water waving her bare wrinkled arms and hands around, begins to sink too and when they are nearly next to each other, the water laps over their heads, though I can see their eyes through the water and I see that they are not afraid. They rise above the water and sink down again a couple of times, seemingly unperturbed. 

A toucan ! living in some sort of vending machine and there’s shiny slightly crumpled aluminium foil on the base of his cage to make it look better or to reflect his extraordinary bright primary paint box colours. I put my hand through the small arch doorway and he totters towards me. He’s a baby ! A fat baby toucan and I can take him out! I feel an overwhelming joy and love for him. 

Meanwhile my friend, someone I met recently in the dream but who seems to be someone I've known for a while in my life, is sprawling all over the top of the machine. We’re in some kind of shopping precinct and we’ve just been wandering round this small area having a conversation about men’s coats in which she describes a good one she's just seen in the shop ( I look around and cannot see where it would be, this shop's full of gifts and fripperies but no clothes ) and I say oh I'd only ever wear a man's coat, at which she takes a quick glance at me up and down to see if I'm wearing one, and replies excitedly - yes ! I've only worn men's coats for years, but I realise that I've been misleading and say, well, what I mean is, ideally, I have in actual fact only ever had one men's coat but I absolutely loved it and would like another.

I hold my hand out to the baby toucan and worry that I've nothing to feed him.

#Dream 2

I'm in a building which is very familiar to me because I've been there many times, but only in dreams. It's rather grey and spartan, and I know it's like a warren with many rooms and staircases. I suppose it's a block of flats, but I feel that lots of activities go on there, so maybe it's offices as well.

I'm not thinking about this when I'm in there, I just know where I am, which creates a certain mood in me, and this time, as is often the case, I'm feeling anxious to get out, but I'm aware that there are some barriers which will take alot of courage for me to overcome.

I open a door I've never opened before and see a long corridor which is unfamiliar to me. It looks like there's no way out at the end of there, but I have a strong compulsion to go and check. However, I don't want the door to close behind me because I think it will lock and I don't have a key.

I linger in the door way trying to see if there's somewhere else leading off at the end of the corridor and I begin to vaguely remember that it looks very like the upstairs landing of my childhood home which had a corroded mirror balanced on a high window ledge at the end of it. It enters my head that there was a toilet to the right so if I go in there, it will not be a way out.

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