Hope #Satsplat


" You're exhausted, I'll take over. " Mrs God left Him in the care of Raphael, went to the Pearly Gates and drew a triple rainbow around the Earth so that everyone would feel hope, then, summoning Gabriel, they went together to bring the prodigal Lucifer home. 

After half a lifetime of telling each other jokes at bedtime, Mme Duchamp had run out of idees. Then, inspired by a glass of water, she whispered in her husband's ear ' I'm leaving my teeth in tonight mon cheri, and I am filled with hope. " at which M. Duchamp roared with laughter. 

She holds the bottle up to the light; 

Deep amber containing a rainbow,

Jewelled droplets suspended within,

Held by a substance acquired over aeons,

Her potent concoction called simply hope,

As she unscrews the stopper,

It's aroma escapes.

Change of View


Today a heavy blanket of grey is covering our vault of blue and trailing veils which soften the myriad shades and tones of the green quilted fields beneath.  

It isn't dull. Bright golden leaves adorn the oak and other trees as if all summer they have drunk the sun and others nestle their auburn heads together, I think they're whispering of the spring that's yet to come. 

Eight line poems

 Through Windows

There was sometimes a telegraph pole,

Once I looked out and saw a shadow

of a huge owl sat against the darkening blue,

I only saw him as he took off suddenly.

Now there's trees, or cars, or sheep,

What to focus on; the tall lampposts,

Do we like to see the stars and comets

From attic window sky-lights. 


It's dark and we're pretending we're not home,

It's quiet but we're expecting trouble.

My superstitious heart wishes something,

But I sit and watch the gathering night,

Ignoring it's mumbling and

Remembering brightly lit faces,

Laughter and in the far away spaces of memory,

Simple happiness, just silliness and joy. 

This Autumn

Listening to acorns hit the deck ( literally ) It’s making me laugh ( inexplicably ) The season’s turning ( inexorably ) Closing my eyes I soak up the sun ( luxuriously ) Taking these moments as they come ( miraculously )

This Book


This Book

Opened up

What kind of diary are you;

Thoughts turned into marks ?

In the alchemy of your imagination

I see the ripples of creation

Thought waves radiating,


A momentary pause

To read this palm

Now the next

Look up and wait,

Until you see its story.




Five bridges spanning

Colours joining earth and sky

Deep blues fading in

Dark Fantasy


Auron went mushrooming at first light one day with her mother and father. The faerie field yielded up some treasures for them and they walked along the hedge, gathering fruits, then entered the wood at the top of the hill.

Auron and her father could hear the trees talking, as always. Mother either ignored them or pretended not to hear them, Auron wasn't sure why. Once she'd asked, mother, can you not hear the trees talking ? and she'd replied, with a shrug, what if I can, it's no business of mine. 

This day, the trees sounded animated, agitated and by the time the three sat down to rest beside the pool in the clearing, the tree voices had reached such a cacophony of sound that their individual voices were indistinguishable and the whole sounded like a long, sad drone. 

The little family sat in silence, listening, even the mother was paying attention now and as it eventually subsided to a whispering wind, their attention was drawn by a quiet, deep voice emanating from a nearby ancient oak. 


To fall with grace

You said I was like a feather

I felt more like a gyroscope

You said the wind will blow me

And so I climbed back on the rope

Now I'm feeling like a woman on a high wire

One slip and it's a long way down

Turn my world around I want to hear

the sound of my parachute opening

As I'm floating 

Towards the ground.




How many paths without a beating heart did you travel along

is not the sort of question one expects to form a song inside

one's head whilst sleeping soundly 

until alarm bells ring outside me and I have to set this day

into its proper motion

with that notion walking right beside me. 

Dejas Vu


Everything felt familiar,

I kept telling myself I'm dreaming

and laughing out loud each time

I said it.

I came upon a town clock

and it had stopped

midday or midnight ?

I looked up at the sky and wondered.

Where was I ?

Down the street nothing moved.

The air went dark

I felt chilly

I looked around

No sound

I waited for the dawn


Nothing rhymed,

So I changed the story,

Altered the tense,

Then everything chimed,

A perfect nonsense



My rough shorthand traces

an articulate heart,

Silver trails snail across

And around this wonder-ment,

Throbbing life,

Marvellous distribution 

of life.

Post Pandemic thoughts

 Wooden Ships sailing,

Mind's eye brings them into view,
Rosewood, Cherry, Birch and Ebony,
From tiptoe I can touch their edges,
Your joins are nearly impeccable. 

In the hallway of my childhood home,
hung a small marquetry picture
made by an uncle,
whilst convalescing from TB
in a sanitarium,
In the fifties.


I saw a faded rainbow the other day,
Painted on a peeling wooden gate,
looking beyond it,
Up the path to the house,
I wondered at their fate.

And where did those rainbows come from,
Appearing in windows,
Whose idea was it to link
The symbol, 
Children and the NHS,
Sending out a sign that
We're all in this together,

That one day the storm will pass,
And we'll be able to walk free

And are we walking free now;
So much has changed,
Dark clouds are building
all along the edge of our horizon.

We're still looking for rainbows. 


Writing in retrospect is so very different to writing in the moment.

The distance of time affords a change in perspective.

The immediacy of writing in the now can allow the truth of emotions to speak. 

But I didn't speak the depth of my emotions in the midst of the pandemic,

I held my breath and prayed.

I enjoyed the quiet of it. 

No planes. 

Not many cars. 

The absence of sirens.

A tranquility born of necessity but,

I hoped,

And many others hoped,


After this,

Change will surely come.

Such a momentous time,

Surely our priorities would become clear,

And they would be for the good of all,

Including our planet home. 

We lived in hope.

Rainbow's end would reveal a golden prize;

Shared vision,

Wealth for all.


During the pandemic -  1st case late 2019,  1st lockdown in the UK mid March 2020,   restrictions lifted, August 2012, - anxiety, naturally, ran very high amongst us all but maybe not the few who consistently denied its severity or significance.  They were more angry about the global response which they considered hysterical and more damaging than the virus itself.

I can remember feeling very sobered by the knowledge that the whole world was united in suffering and anxiety. Even if you thought the virus was ' just another version of the flu ' the global response and conflicting opinions on how to manage and mitigate the effects of it caused a different kind of anxiety I imagine.  

The pace of life slowed as movement and activity was restricted,

It felt like living underwater,

Everything was arduous,

Painstaking care had to be taken with everything.

The notion of kindness arose.

This meaning consideration for the well-being of others
as well as one's own.

This was good.


It heightened one's awareness to the point of fear 

and imbued everything with a sense of trepidation

How to live

For many of us, sleep was no longer as restful as

it might have been.

And sadly, this remains the case it seems.


My memory, never accurate and riven with holes,
When searched for the beginning of our Covid tyrant,
reminds me of the coach-loads of teenagers and their teachers,
returning from the skiing trip in Italy and putting themselves into voluntary isolation because someone had symptoms. ?

You having got a job at the college next door, was not, I don't think, unduly worried.  It seemed they had been careful, and you carried on, but carefully, yourself, until, one day, after working closely with students in a classroom, ( who I don't think were much in the habit of wearing masks at that point ), you felt poorly. 

How we followed the instructions to the letter.
You, imprisoned in your room,
It felt archaic as we left food and drink for you outside your door, wore gloves along with a mask to remove the tray and wiped it with the dreaded anti-bac wipes which surely must form the core of land-fill now. 

At least you had your beloved cat for company. Your shadow. He stayed with you throughout. 

I couldn't let you rest for worrying about you. Every hour I texted you to ask how you were feeling. Somehow, I was afraid for you to sleep, feeling that you would drift away from us

Are you drinking ? I would nag. 

How's your headache ? I pestered.

Are you hot ? 

I repeated the same questions again and again and you were so patient.  A really patient patient. 

How can it feel right to not be with you, feel your head, look at your eyes to see how you are, when you, my youngest child, are poorly. 

Even when we spoke on the phone, which was rarely, I felt I missed so much from not seeing you. 

Looking back now, I wish we'd set up a zoom earlier,
but perhaps you were too tired, too ill. 

It may have felt too intrusive.

And I think you hid how bad you were feeling, just like when you were very little and hated fuss, refusing to take Calpol, being very quiet until you might get up and calmly walk to the toilet to be quietly sick. 

In the night I would listen for your cough, look at my phone,
open the bedroom door quietly to ensure the little sound I thought I'd heard wasn't you stumbling downstairs to seek assistance.

Our stoical daughter, keeping us safe from harm. 
So glad you were with us during this terrible time.
Reading and listening to harrowing accounts of people separated from their loved ones fills me with horror at what our experience might have been and though you have suffered such terrible, debilitating side-effects; the distortion of taste, overwhelming fatigue and body aches, you did recover, you ploughed on through it all, seeking help, returning to work, going out, forcing yourself to try to live your life, despite and because and eventually, to, with hope and grace, enjoy it.

Some liken your generation to the young people in the War, because, although you haven't suffered the extreme horrors of violence and deprivation ( well, hopefully, not many of you ), your lives and psyches have been deeply affected by the years interrupted by the pandemic in ways that will no doubt only be understood and recognised with the insight that comes through the passage of time. 

We can only hope you are strengthened in more ways than damaged and us oldies must try to play our small part in trying to make the world a better place for you and our future generations to live in. 







Everything is brought to bear.

Associations flood in, as a torrent

Gushes from the laden sky.

The rain, composed of many droplets,

Falls as a curtain,

Rippling, cascading,

Saturating the ground with its density.

So our thoughts and memories,

Images, sounds and words,

Pour through our mind and

Drench us with their meaning.

Afterwards, as the sun comes out,

Everything seems changed.

Everything ordinary has been interrupted

and the garden is illuminated. 


everything is

as it should be

All is well

and I dwell

in the midst of change

All the molecules

within and without


and rearrange

the air mixing with 





I opened a new window

Our hands are lovely

Lost in sound

drowned in sound

found in sound

Lost inspiration

Everything expired by sound

A bird cry like stretching an old elastic band

Creak screek silence

The creak screek then

No wind, just cold.

Gentle climb

Soft gradient

Perpetuates steam

Finds me in water

Looks up for the word

Saves me on paper

These are only gradients

Putting on armours

Redstone gauntlet of Dunsline

Free gift

No location

Floats into the distance

Dusts over the trail

Buries small treasures

Papers over the cracks

On the Transpennine Express a child

Sits down in wonder

No seatbelts !!

Lost furnace.

( emptied my mind a little )

Dream Sequence

27. 04.23

#Dream 1

I'm walking through some kind of park which is familiar to me, but composed of disparate parts of various outdoor places I've visited. People are enjoying themselves and I come to a muddy part where I can feel the ground give way a little it's so wet. There's a pond nearby with people messing about in and around it. A small person or child, or both, is splashing around and the water starts to rise or he starts to sink, it's hard to tell. An elderly lady who has been wading towards him, laughing and splashing the water waving her bare wrinkled arms and hands around, begins to sink too and when they are nearly next to each other, the water laps over their heads, though I can see their eyes through the water and I see that they are not afraid. They rise above the water and sink down again a couple of times, seemingly unperturbed. 

A toucan ! living in some sort of vending machine and there’s shiny slightly crumpled aluminium foil on the base of his cage to make it look better or to reflect his extraordinary bright primary paint box colours. I put my hand through the small arch doorway and he totters towards me. He’s a baby ! A fat baby toucan and I can take him out! I feel an overwhelming joy and love for him. 

Meanwhile my friend, someone I met recently in the dream but who seems to be someone I've known for a while in my life, is sprawling all over the top of the machine. We’re in some kind of shopping precinct and we’ve just been wandering round this small area having a conversation about men’s coats in which she describes a good one she's just seen in the shop ( I look around and cannot see where it would be, this shop's full of gifts and fripperies but no clothes ) and I say oh I'd only ever wear a man's coat, at which she takes a quick glance at me up and down to see if I'm wearing one, and replies excitedly - yes ! I've only worn men's coats for years, but I realise that I've been misleading and say, well, what I mean is, ideally, I have in actual fact only ever had one men's coat but I absolutely loved it and would like another.

I hold my hand out to the baby toucan and worry that I've nothing to feed him.

#Dream 2

I'm in a building which is very familiar to me because I've been there many times, but only in dreams. It's rather grey and spartan, and I know it's like a warren with many rooms and staircases. I suppose it's a block of flats, but I feel that lots of activities go on there, so maybe it's offices as well.

I'm not thinking about this when I'm in there, I just know where I am, which creates a certain mood in me, and this time, as is often the case, I'm feeling anxious to get out, but I'm aware that there are some barriers which will take alot of courage for me to overcome.

I open a door I've never opened before and see a long corridor which is unfamiliar to me. It looks like there's no way out at the end of there, but I have a strong compulsion to go and check. However, I don't want the door to close behind me because I think it will lock and I don't have a key.

I linger in the door way trying to see if there's somewhere else leading off at the end of the corridor and I begin to vaguely remember that it looks very like the upstairs landing of my childhood home which had a corroded mirror balanced on a high window ledge at the end of it. It enters my head that there was a toilet to the right so if I go in there, it will not be a way out.



Today I am sitting, 

And suddenly I am my grandmother,

Rocking in her chair,

Her thoughts turned inward

for oh so many many years.

Secrets locked inside,

Stories told that held

Some truth,

Some lies,

Some things must be hid.

To survive.

Five year old me hides and cries. Her nightmares are a jumble of things she doesn't understand or recognise.

Twenty year old me has an epiphany - dod this, I'm off !

Sixty year old me stares in wonderment but also latent fear.

How did I get here, it's both beautiful and disturbing. 

There's something lurking.

Cold hands of stone, 

They rest alone

with all the sorrows they have known. 

It's perplexing when one's close family members have all long gone and left behind only snippets of conversation, short stories with misleading details and very few photogrphs, most of which are unannotated. 

I search and search my memories for truths and end up making them up for myself.

The past is a small fragment of something and I want to reconstruct it whole.

Pandemic Memory

You and Me - No Doubt

Today is my birthday and I'm remembering. That's what they're for, these days.

It's hard because the day is so beautiful, one of those last bright blue-skied days which begin with a mist that masks the view here until the sun warms the air and it all dissipates into a bright and lovely day, looking like Summer but with that edge that keeps you back from the brink of the dream it's not over yet and somehow it's appropriate, how can it not be, that you gave me Late for the Sky as my present and I receive Bryter Layter as another, still more in the form of seeds and pots to plant them in which fill me with such excitement and hope; two pearls, one for each ear and a caring hair cut cause me to stand and stare for some time. I want to stay in this present, but my presents and the date keeps prompting me to think back. 

I don't feel worthy of all these gifts but I vow to make myself so. I feel guilty about many things and top of the list is not studying things sufficiently. If I had to speak in my defence I might explain it's because I mostly feel inundated and panicked so unable to know what to focus on and also suspicious and wary of absorbing other peoples' thoughts. Strange perhaps for someone who enjoys the arts, but looking at what I've been prepared to absorb, there's a pattern in there which speaks for itself and lets me think for myself also. 

I think about how we can struggle to gain an identity and maintain parts of that identity which nourish us fundamentally, how that kernel of us that some others and the way our world has been structured seems to want to keep chipping away at.   From my point of view. 

I've always been preoccupied with how to be.  When life feels full of possibility, that's a luxury we can afford to indulge in. I enjoyed reading Sheila Heti's book, How Should a Person Be, reading it long after living through the decade she was writing about; one's twenties, when those of us who were and are still fortunate enough to imagine many ways of living and can even afford to try some out, though it was still a turbulent time in my experience, filled with a panic which reached a crescendo towards its end and even though one inevitably makes choices, some reluctantly, others involuntarily, one never ceases to question and review them throughout subsequent decades; that is, if we are fortunate enough to live through them.  Standing here, looking out at this day,  I feel somewhat stunned. 

Now six decades on from where this all began, I'm suddenly thinking how I've come to want to be in terms of a food, and I think it must be alot like a dried Hunza apricot. They're something I became extremely fond of when I was pregnant. They don't look very appetising, wrinkly, dark browny orangey things, and rather expensive, but they have this lovely little kernel in their middle, a tiny shell, which if you crack open, gives  you a very small nut, rather like an almond. It's said to contain a very rare vitamin and I got very hooked on chewing on the toffee caramel flavoured apricot and cracking open the nut in the middle to eat too. I ate alot of them before a good friend warned me that the nut also contained a very small touch of arsenic, not unusual in the kernel of fruits and probably not toxic in such microscopic quantities, but still, enough to make me pause and think about the way things might be both nourishing and poisonous and how the balance might be so finely held that it's very difficult, probably impossible, to quantify.

And I've just read that they are left to go over on the tree and picked when they have over-ripened, which adds to their allure for me. I'm squirrelling this day away. All it's sights and sounds and tastes are going into my store of amazing memories. 

First posted during the pandemic. It came out in a strange format which I found impossible to change, so I've republished it here, as a correction, and a reminder. 

After the 13th - A Cameo

When they emerged, they looked and spoke as if they had been drinking blood, slow and guttural, their faces worn, but quietly smiling, pale, faintly iridescent skin dimly glowing as if whatever they had been through had drawn on their inner energy but replenished it with something     other    somehow. 



Audio dreams;

I am not blind but

There is something I cannot yet see

I hear you

The roar of the 

Is it water ?

Overwhelming us both.

I am


With you

Today, a new day, a film, a song.

Hidden, Eyes protected, Razor sharp brim foreclosing our reach. I Only a n air kiss  for your First Lady. The wind tries to take it.  Anothe...