Sea in me


Nevermore than 84 

Miles and miles to the sea

A change in the light

opens a sky in my mind

and there is that church

the brow of that hill

will present the vista

how I've missed ya

your sound, your rhythmic surge

the Eb n' Flo of your laughter

seagulls whooping hooray

never go away 

Always return to the sea.

New Lexicon

Weltschmerz  -    World-pain - in reference to the world

                            World weariness - in reference to the self

                            Coined by Jean Paul in his novel Selina, published in 1827

                            A deep sadness about the state of being alive

                            That physical reality cannot satisfy the cravings of the mind

                            The Deutsches Wörterbuch by the Brothers Grimm defines it as a deep sadness

                            about the insufficiency of the world. 

Merz                   Kurt Schwitters' made up word for his mode of working, post WWI. 

                           "In the war, things were in terrible turmoil. What I had learned at the academy was of no          

                            use to me and the useful new ideas were still unready. Everything had broken down and          

                            new things had to be made of the fragments; and this is Merz. It was like a revolution 

                            within me, not as it was, but as it should have been. "

                            Kurt took the term ' Merz ' from a fragment of paper he incorporated in one of his 

                            collages. It came from the name Commerz Bank.  

Uht-cearu   -       from the old English

                           Early morning care

                           the worries that gather as one lies sleepless before dawn

                           cf Swedish - vargtimmen/wolf time

                           pronounced; oot-chair-oo

tchotchke -     A Jewish American word, widely used, especially in New York, borrowed fromYiddish and                    

                       originally from Slavic.

                       Little treasures






Schoures -   Scots word, other, very old, variations are; (c)hour, 











                  Meanings and related meanings range from a downfall ( of hail or rain, or snow or sleet ) a           

                  light fall of rain, wintry,  to 

                  harsh, ugly, or mild, beneficial and a source of beauty to 

                 a conflict, an attack of pain, labour pains. 

Syntropy  -   From Greek syn=together, tropos=tendency. It was first coined by the mathematician Luigi Fantappiè, in 1941, in order to describe the mathematical properties of the advanced waves solution of the Klein-Gordon equation which unites Quantum Mechanics with Special Relativity. As noted by Viterbo, syntropy is "the tendency towards energy concentration, order, organization and life" ( In contradistinction to "entropy," syntropy is a result of retrocausality leading to persistent and more complex organization. This is akin to the concept of dissipative structures developed by Ilya Prigogine, expostulated in Order Out of Chaos, by Prigogine & Stengers (1984). Buckminster Fuller developed a definition in relation to "whole systems" as "A tendency towards order and symmetrical combinations, designs of ever more advantageous and orderly patterns. Evolutionary cooperation. Anti-entropy" (

' A tendency towards order, 

symmetrical combinations,

designs of ever more advantageous and orderly patterns.

Evolutionary cooperation.

Anti-entropy '

In psychology; ' a wholesome association with others '

In anatomy ; ' a formation of a series of similar parts having the same orientation ' eg ribs. 

In pathology ; ' the coalescence of two diseases into one ' 

In physics ;  The Law of syntropy states that in a converging universe, energy is constantly absorbed from the environment. Syntropy is the magnitude by which we measure the concentration of energy and the increase of syntropy is irreversible. 

Entropy -  Breakup, collapse, decay, decline. 

                 A scientific concept describing a state of disorder, randomness, or                       uncertainty. 

Cóiste Bodhar. - Death Coach

Mana  -  From Melanesian and Polynesian mythology, mana is a supernatural force which permeates the 

universe. Anyone and anything can possess this force. 

In Hawaiian and Tahitian mythology, mana is a spiritual energy and healing power which can exist in places, objects and persons. Hawaiians believe that mana may be gained or lost by actions, and Hawaiians and Tahitians believe that mana is both external and internal. - from Wikipedia. 

Cynefin  -  ( pronounced ‘ kuh-Nev-in’ )

                 Welsh; a sense of rootedness. Expresses also the multiple, intertwined factors in our environment and our experience that influence us in ways we can never fully understand.

Imrama  -  Celtic; a sacred journey of the soul.

A sea voyage on which we don’t know where we are going, but our spirit knows the way. 

C - suite.  - top management positions

                 C - chief

Solipsistic   -  self centred

Subaltern. -  of lower status

Elision.      -  joining together 2 things especially abstract ones.

                   Omission of a syllable eg let's 


A portmanteau word 


blended word

Combining serendipity with perpendicular

Something that happens to be right next to something else and proves quite beneficial to the one who encounters it.

Like finding the perfect book next to the good book one went in search of in a library.

Lllllllove is again


A warm hand

Like sand

A high wire

a loose thread

the bedstead

All the tears shed

Whatever you wed

The wedge in your head

Time you spend



The end


Time in us


Like clocks, we tick,

Taking time,

Our time,

Plus some stolen moments when

We stand out of time,

Somewhere else

other than the contiuum. 

A Charm. A Keepsake.


In my purse I keep a charm. Now I come to look at it closely, I realise I'm not entirely sure what it's made

from, except that it's metal of some sort, painted in some way. I possibly was told who it represented when 

I was given it by a friend of my partner's, but, to my shame, I've forgotten.

It was long ago, one of those situations when you're a newcomer to a group of people and someone 

welcomes you in a special way. His name was Sean and I remember his long hair and his beard and 

his quiet voice and gentle presence. It was the mid eighties. He was an unusual presence amidst the

post punk new romantic hedonistic, narcissistic madness of the maelstrom of creative verve we 

were all in the middle of for a while. Someone whispered that he'd been to India and never come back. 

The first time we met, he showed me some exquisite drawings he'd done of trees and pine cones and other 

natural forms all cohabiting on the same plane and scale, giving the seeds and other small things as much 

space and visual attention as the very large and developed forms. I was somewhat stunned and charmed 

and struggled to make any meaningful comment that didn't sound as though I was judging them rather 

than appreciating them. The mind stammers in such moments sometimes. 

Some time later, he gave my partner a tie pin in the shape of a grand piano, a lovely, amusing, appropriate  

gift, and me, this charm.  For no particular occasion,  it felt as though he was honouring the 

relationship between my partner and I, though they would both possibly snort laugh at this and tell me to 

stop reading into things so much. ( My partner once gave me Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance 

to read, with the accompanying advice; don't read too much into it.)

Well I've kept it with me in my purse as a talisman ever since and I only really ever think about it if I

change purses for some reason, though I've never, until now, thought about who it is.

He reminds me of a character in a Japanese painting such as this 

so a little internet research brings me to the 7 Lucky Gods in Japanese mythology and through a process of 

visual elimination, I decide he might be Bishamonten, the warrior god, protector of the rhighteous. 

I am not dismayed by the fact that he is the only one of the 7 lucky gods to be associated with war 

and violence, or that he is often depicted holding a spear in one hand, because he is said to be a 

protector of Buddhist temples, worshippers and their offerings and in his other hand he holds a pagoda 

containing the gifts of the faithful. Said to have protected the Buddha as he spread his teachings, the 

pagoda symbolises the divine treasure house whose contents he both guards and gives away. 

Also known as Tamonten, meaning  ' listening to many teachings ', he is guardian of the Northern

direction, living half way down Mount Sumeru. 

I might be wrong in actuality giving this personality to my lucky charm, but for my own purposes and 

situation, it works and I'm very glad to carry him with me. Thank you Sean. ⻚🍀




I look for myself in my lists,

Long, forgotten piles of thoughts

And good ideas,

Links, between things,

and I.

I is the gap between thinking.

I is the hand that gathered

the broken pieces of the pot,

and poured them into

a space within my mind.

I is on a map somewhere,

One of those drawn up differently,

Connecting places with thoughts,

A cerebral landscape 

With colours so bright

The synaptic leaps are astounding. 

I is not to be found

in this mirror,

or that.

Even the one that shows me


Though I didn't mean to be.

That image is so flat

it fades into some other interior

part of its pattern,

Like mottled wallpaper.

Today, a new day, a film, a song.

Hidden, Eyes protected, Razor sharp brim foreclosing our reach. I Only a n air kiss  for your First Lady. The wind tries to take it.  Anothe...