
What is tranquility ?

I read it is the state or quality of being calm. 

I think of the words I associate with this quality;







I also read that it implies;

absence of noise

absence of violence

absence of worry

and this causes me worry,

because I know this is not life

Life is not the absence of worry.

I would like to be tranquil

but not dead.

I would like to experience tranquility

in Life.

We search for it as though it was truth.

I search for it and I try to create it.

I try to imagine it in the midst of life

and so, I wrote;

Time was relinquished to the waves

and the billowing white clouds blown across

a bright blue sky.

The last train might come and go but

there would be a bus and if not,

there is a footpath.

Tranquility reigned now.

She sank back into the sand and fell asleep. 

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