
What are the things we need to measure ?

The distance to the moon

and back ?

Plus how much fuel it would take to reach it,

Then return.

Adding a little extra just in case.

Our height as we grow,


some tiny lines on the door jamb or,


some photo's every year

After you blow out your candles.

The circumference of our girth,


Our horror, delight or mirth,

Depending on what time of our life

We're having

A baby's length,

Their weight,

And ours,

The time   between stars,

How long ago they might have been.

Today I am not measuring at all,

Like everyone else.

It's normal now to

Calculate the distance between ourselves by instinct,

And try to maintain it

As we move through space

Along with Time's exigencies.

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Today, a new day, a film, a song.

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