The Qualities of Jasper

Within the stream of thoughts which

flows like water over stones,

A pattern can be discerned that




Look down through it's sparkling clarity,

Find the rhythm

That speaks its form.


an aggregate

of micro granular quartz and

or chalcedony,

A cryptocrystalline form

Of silica

and other mineral phases,

an opaque,


variety of silica,

usually red,



or        green

and     rarely blue.

The common red colour is due

to iron (III) inclusions

When I

found two polished pieces of Jasper,

I was

Unaware of their nature and properties,

Except their aggregate being apparent,

In their brecciations, tumbled smooth,


Poppy red breaking through

In tiny bursts out

Of its deep,

Dark base,

A thread of silvery blue shimmering

Only in the light.

The Other,

Brick red,

Crossed with silver striations and

Opaque earthy tones,

The first, slightly larger,

Both an almost perfect almond fits

Perfectly in the saddle of my hand,

And when I held them,

One in each palm,

I felt pleasure

In their polished perfection,

And the way their shape

Found a natural home

In the volar of each hand.

I'd heard it can lift a

Heavy heart,

And clear the head,

And held it lightly,

Closed in folded fingers,

Until I forgot the weight,

Of the world,

And the clear blue of a bright sky,

Broke through.


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