
We're not supposed to voice our differences,             ( Medusa's shadow is cast upon the wall behind                
For fear of fixing each other in stone;                          as we exchange our gifts;

          those ideas and dreams that we struggle to transform into living, pulsing, moving entities,

All the time fearing their fragility,                                Worrying that they might fragment,

Their potential for being disfigured,                              Into rigidity.

The female power,                                                      The power that is female,

An energy we have labelled,                                       The imagined thing we feel we have identified,

All that it is,                                                                All that it is,

Which remains hidden deep,                                       Within the labyrinth,

It's transforming fire,                                                   Forever flickering,

Perpetual light,                                                            Through perpetual night.

             So here we stand together, shifting shadows on the wall of the cave,

And here is the fire,                                                    And here is my gift,

                      Feel its weight                     Feel its lightness

                                It leaves a space within me

                                Carry it with you forevermore

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Today, a new day, a film, a song.

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