Trilogy - Encounter no 3
No. 3 Go. Never return, though you will live in my memory forever
Just over thirty years ago to this day, Stella had been happily cooking in their second floor flat. She was alone, listening to loud music, enjoying trying out a new recipe. The banging on the door interrupted her calm. It was dark and she wasn't expecting anyone and the banging was a bit louder than you'd expect, but she felt relaxed and thought maybe she hadn't heard them knock the first time over the music. The shadow looked tall through the glass in the door. Who can this be she wondered as she opened the door wide to find his fist poised to knock again. He lowered it slowly as she appeared in front of him. His lingering gaze took her in from her toes to her hair. She drew back slowly, closing the door slightly. " Can I help you ? " It was, of course, utterly the wrong thing to say. He looked at her lazily. After a long pause he responded in a deep, heavily accented drawl : " Is Raoul in ? " Relieved she can answer; " No-one of that name lives here. We moved in a few months ago. " He was still looking her up and down. He was wearing a shabby suit. The kind you'd find in a second hand shop. A bright yellow and red shirt under. His beard extended to his chest and his dreads were thick and slightly grey and caught up high on the back of his head. She couldn't see his eyes properly behind his thin blue tinted specs. She suddenly wished she wasn't barefoot for some reason. " Benny ? " He tries. He's not going to move. " No, just me and my boyfriend, sorry. " She closed the door as quickly as would seem polite, but he remained standing there.
As she walked back into the kitchen, he knocked again, quietly this time. She hesitated for some moments, then, drawing herself up, ready to spell it out to him, turned and opened the door, this time only a crack. There was no-one there so she opened it a little wider to check. He leaned in slowly, his back peeling off the wall, his face looming towards her. He was wearing some kind of top hat now. Startled, she leapt backwards and slammed the door.
She retreated to the back of the hall, watching his shadow through the glass. Her heart beat strongly, but she felt ready. His shadow moved away and she moved into the kitchen, cautiously. She went to the window and drew the blind slowly, watching for his silhouette behind the curtain. It was pitch black outside on account of the light being broken. She went into the front room to turn the music down and then back into the kitchen and started to cook again, cautiously. All her senses were on high alert.
When the thumping started, she began to feel fear rising in her throat. What to do ? Shaking, she turned the cooker off and the light in the kitchen, then went into the front room. There was no other way out but the front door and she knew it wouldn't hold if he wanted to break it down. Surely though, he wouldn't be that mad. It might be that he just didn't really understand her. His English might not be good. His accent was thick. She knew she was making excuses and picked up the phone. The thumping remained steady and dull. Who should she call ? Her boyfriend was in another city recording and probably unaccessible. She decided to call her friend. For moral support and advice. The ringing sounded as if it was echoing in an empty room and it went on forever. Time stretched. She began to feel dizzy with fear. It sounded as if he was going to try to kick the door in now. Panic stricken, she thumped on the wall to try to get her neighbour's attention " Boo ! Boo ! Help me !". The sound of her own panic-stricken voice shouting help intensified her fear. She shouted again, then decided to try to pull herself together and work out a plan.
She sat down and rang the police. The police station was within sight of the flat. They could send someone quickly. The person at the other end of the phone was maddeningly calm and slow. They wanted detailed information. Was it a boyfriend was the question that struck fear in her heart. By then, she could hear the door juddering in response to each kick. The police think it's "a domestic". They're not going to come. She puts the phone down mid conversation and decides to ring the studio anyway. Her voice is shaking and becoming hysterical as she leaves a message on reception. The girl is concerned, asks her if she's rung the police. She decides to ring them again, but not before trying to raise Boo again. She wishes they had a phone next door. She gets a pan and hammers loudly with it " Boo ! Boo! Come round I need your help ! " Pausing to listen, she realises the banging has stopped. Edging towards the door, she thinks she can hear voices. Plucking up the courage to go and peep at the front door, she sees two shadows behind the glass now and hears the low murmuring of a discussion. Suddenly, the letter flap flips up and Boo's voice calls through " It's ok. I'm here now. Open up " She nearly cries with relief, but the adrenalin's still pumping. Still holding the pan, she cautiously opens the door.
He's stood there, next to Boo, looking seven foot tall in that bizarre top hat thing, grinning at her, maybe maliciously, maybe mockingly. Boo's girl friend, in her pyjamas, is standing in the doorway of their flat, looking serious. Stella marches past Boo, rage replacing fear now and, brandishing the pan at him, lets loose a tirade that comes from somewhere deep within her and his face takes on a look of astonishment. He may not understand her stream of consciousness diatribe, but her wrath is evident.
After she's emptied her pit of rage, she looks him directly in the eye. "Go" she commands, pointing in the direction of the stairs. He remains. "Go ! " I've called the police and they'll be here soon. Suddenly, she doesn't want him to be here if they do turn up. Boo and his girlfriend are looking at her, bemused, but perhaps also with approval.
Eventually, he saunters off with a nonchalant swagger, pauses at the top of the stairs and turns to raise his hand to her ; " You one angry lady. Seems like you could kill someone. Look out for yourself ". Then he trots lightly off down the stairs.
Stella slowly drops the arm brandishing the pan. She turns to Boo and says, her voice full of bewilderment " What the hell was he doing ? What did he want ". Boo is studying her face closely. After some time, he replies " He wanted you of course. He wants you. "
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