Eyes protected,
Razor sharp brim
foreclosing our reach.
Only an air kiss
for your First Lady.
The wind tries to take it.
Another moment in which
regret might rise up too,
Or maybe bubbles of laughter,
throwing caution to that wind,
That hat, becoming
a frisbee
And you shaking your long hair free.
God bless those who've been granted power.
May they use it for the greatest good.
Today, a new day,
Sans hat,
but your suit's making a suggestion:
Take Frank's fedora and
Make your own way,
Tip your world
into a caramel confection,
Cock a snook in their direction
Take us to the pictures
in Your lexicon of clothes.
Let us live twice,
Do it all again,
But different.
Put on some style
Not your way
My way.
Looking in the mirror,
Your shoes say
Where's that hat ?