
The piano eyes me accusingly,

A blank page is spread invitingly,

Blue skies beckon longingly,

My radio sits silently,

And all the while the menacing clock's tick tocks.



Lost as the list that the wind 

Whipped from a hand

And dropped 

in a puddle.

That the author,

In a foreign land,

Holds in their mind,

Repeating and repeating,

Until it becomes a song. 


My hat on the finial,

Shoes on the rack,

Coats on the hooks,

Your scarf on the chair.

A stray hair,

That mug you bought us for Christmas,

My father's pen,

A row of books all mixed up,

Chosen words,

The silence of your absence,

The sound of your key in the lock,

The one you love waiting,

Taking stock. 

Cinema 2

Blinking in the sunlight

The afternoon is blurred.

Behind us, lives another world,

Another story;

Magic lantern lit our faces,

Flicked us with its repetition,

Leaving us to wonder

As the lights come up. 




Your black faced stone,

Roughly dressed and dusted

in coveted smoke.

makes me sad to see you. 

Taken from another place,

another not too distant time,

Heavy history transported,

Dismantled then rebuilt.

Dense with stories and breath, 

You weighed the trailer down. 

The builder took you away, 

Furtive like, contraband. 



Autumn's end - haiku series and poems

 From the balcony 

Burning brush paints Autumn’s hues

Church bell sounds the hour

Running out at night
Moon and Jupiter gleaming
The two old friends meet

Watching clouds go by Leaves fly high then softly fall Somewhere the geese call

Emptying my change Autumn leaves begin to curl A magpie’s harsh cry

It comes over me
Like dejas vu I feel sick
Hello Autumn

October lingers,
Shimmering in her red, gold and green, 
November waits 
on a cold grey stone, 
His blood stained poppies restless 
in their beds.

Today, a new day, a film, a song.

Hidden, Eyes protected, Razor sharp brim foreclosing our reach. I Only a n air kiss  for your First Lady. The wind tries to take it.  Anothe...