
Searching for words

which might not be

the tricoloured rainbow

fanned itself out

7, maybe 8 colours now dance

across our sky. 

What are their names ?

They live elsewhere too.

My narrow lexicon

impoverished our view.

Searching for words which

may not be

within my narrow lexicon

the tricoloured rainbow

fanning itself out

now 7 maybe 8 

or 9

colours dancing

some without names

coming in and out of view.


Carmine how could we

Alizarin I loved you

Yet soon the sap green spread

its leaves and tints the gaping stain.

It's not an antidote,

Nor equal opposite;

Insufficient tension lies between

to counteract the grief.

Viridian wouldn't hack it either;

Colour of fairytales

It fails to break the spell.

Then cerulean blue breaks through,

Containing dreams

through which the light will filter

onto the cadmium streaked and studded fields.

How bright they shine.

All the way up 

To the horizon. 



We learn from our first breaths,

Our mother's milk, given or denied,

The things we were blessed,

Plus those we learned to go without. 

Do we even search for things we never knew ?

This space within,

Some say it could be our twin,

I feel the wind blow through,

I felt it first long, long ago,

An eye to see through. 



I identify with the disaffected ones,

The outsiders who look on and only ever look in,

Those who knew home once

or twice maybe but it got disintegrated.

If we roam,

We're seeking that place, that feeling,

Indefinable, unattainable, 

If we settle, we try to create it,

Recreate it, renew it

Every day.  

I am here


                                      to be or not to be

                                   Is this a true question

                                     whether or not be

                                          true not true

                                   Truth is not weather

                           Weather is always changing itself

                                Don't ask it about the truth 

                                           How to be

                                        How not to be

                           Don't question such fine weather

                               On this beautiful morning 

                                     Bask in sunshine

                                            The light

                                         living within

                              never dies though it dims

                        Sometimes in the midst of sorrow

                                             is pain 

                                          pain burns

                       Consumes us for some time then wanes

                                As dusk falls within us

                               Hope's cool breeze sparks

                                           our light

Today, a new day, a film, a song.

Hidden, Eyes protected, Razor sharp brim foreclosing our reach. I Only a n air kiss  for your First Lady. The wind tries to take it.  Anothe...